press release

An artist for three cities

To celebrate the fifth centennial of the death of Andrea Mantegna the Ministry for Cultural Property and Activities has created a National Committee, composed of the most prestigious scholars of the early Italian Renaissance, flanked by interested local organization, that has decided to organize a completely new type of exhibition, unusual for its size and the area it covers. A single major exhibition organized in each of the cities in which the life and work of the great master is documented: Padua, at the Eremitani Museum, Verona, at the Palazzo della Gran Guardia, and Mantova, at Palazzo Te.

With a more ambitious program than past initiatives, the works of Andrea Mantegna will be presented along with those of his followers and other masters, protagonists with him of the renewal of the figurative language in northern Italy.


only in german

Andrea Mantegna

gleichzeitige Stationen:
16.09.06 - 14.01.07 Musei Civici Eremitani, Padua
16.09.06 - 14.01.07 Palazzo della Gran Guardia, Verona
16.09.06 - 14.01.07 Palazzo del Te, Mantua; Casa di Mantegna, Mantua; Museo di San Sebastiano, Mantua; Castello di San Giorgio, Mantua