press release

Artist's Statement "Distance = Time x Speed. This is an equation of getting distance in sense of mathematics. In my case, I was traveling out from home to abroad. Speed, Time and Distance remain different definitions in both places. From the views of my hometown towards another surrounding, I was looking at and looking for certain views and moments. During the time of moving, I was using video as the medium to record the reality that I experienced with. When medium like photographs and videos help to register the "moment of time", which is an act of associating oneself memory. Due to this point, I assume that "Punctum" in moving images is possible." (Beatrix Pang)

"The BeetoBee Project was put up by a group of international visual and audio artists during the last two years. On the 15th of July they will launch their webpage, to show their works and to get in touch with you.***"


Beatrix Pang aus Hong Kong + Gäste
Video Installation + Webpage Release