MUSAC - Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León / Avenida de los Reyes Leoneses, 24
ES-24008 León

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Cerith Wyn Evans is an essential point of reference in London’s art-scene and his sophisticated work has inspired many artists emerging in the latest generation. This work has been unequivocally conceived and shaped by its critical and historical relation to the possibilities and vicissitudes of film and writing. Its unfamiliar relations between space, light, language and objects, as well as the alluring and blurring nature among them, have been taken from those disciplines. While his pieces and installations draw on a broad range of genres, media, and discourses, high and low, Wyn Evans never privileges or fosters a phenomenological reading of space, nor a literal use of materials. Through evocation and encryption, his combinations of unexpected materials such as neon lighting, philosophical texts, mirrors, fireworks and plants, point instead to disruptions and intrusions that displace familiar registers and perceptions. There’s always a disdain for accessibility; there’s always some opacity. This polymorphous and intertextual space unfolds between the visible and the invisible, in the hinge on which the relation of image and object fluctuates.

only in german

Cerith Wyn Evans
Kurator: Octavio Zaya