press release

SF Camerawork is excited to present SOLOS, the first in an annual presentation of concurrent summer solo exhibitions. Renown for its thematic curatorial efforts and group exhibitions, Camerawork will, once a year, present the work of two - three artists in a solo capacity. Allowing for specially commissioned projects as well as a more comprehensive look at specific bodies of work, this new series offers an alternative platform for experiencing photography and digital media by emerging and mid-career artists.

Luis Delgado’s installation POTUS, consisting of intimidating large-scale images of US presidents, invites viewers to question how power is consolidated, embodied, and represented in a single individual while also considering the interchangeability of the men who have held that position.

Representations, Cynthia Greig’s playful homage to Henry Fox Talbot’s Pencil of Nature, combines photography and drawing in a way that vacillates between the two and three-dimensional. Her visually ambiguous renderings exploit the limitations of perception inherent in photographic representation.

Reminiscent of the work of William Christenberry, Tracey Snelling’s multi-media installation Convenient is a hybrid offering of sculpture, video, and photographs that examines the limitless potential for interpretation of the everyday. The scale of Snelling’s work continually expands and contracts, mutating and broadening narratives with each new incarnation.


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Luis Delgado / Cynthia Greig / Tracey Snelling