press release

Die 'Artists in Residence' 2003 Bas van Koolwijk und Derek Holzer erstellen im Rahmen ihres Aufenthaltes am Medienturm ein raumgreifendes audiovisuelles Environment namens 'OZONE'. Vier Videobildschirme zeigen ein ständig wechselndes Feld von Videosignalstörungen. Die elektromagnetischen Wellen, die von diesen Bildschirmen ausgehen, werden von Antennen eingefangen und in Klang umgewandelt.

This year's ,Artists in Residence' Bas van Koolwijk and Derek Holzer design in the frame of their work at the Medienturm an immersive, audio-visual environment called ‚OZONE'. Four video screens feature a continuously changing surface of video signal jamming. The electromagnetic waves, emitting from these screens, are captured by an antennae and transformed into sound. The sound reproduced in 4.1.-format, again causes jammings within the image material, triggering a chain reaction between image and sound. Each person and each object in the room takes an additional influence on this system: a highly interactive installation results, discussing radiophonic art on the level of the character of radio waves. In order to complete the installation, Kunstradio Wien and the Latvian were invited to curate a range of works also circling round the topic of radiophonic sound art. Besides, Van Koolwijk and Holzer create a live feature for Kunstradio Wien on the radio frequency Ö1.


only in german

Derek Holzer / Bas van Koolwijk / Kunstradio Wien