press release

Julius Deutschbauer, who was born in 1961 in Klagenfurt, transforms concepts in images, emblems and scripts. In this way he focuses and intensifies problematic subject matter like national values, taboos and biblical paradigms.He points out the genealogical pattern of names from the Old Testament, such as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Reuben..., in his exhibition in the Graphic Cabinet. These names, that are not only to be found in the Bible but also in recent history, tell of the possibility of history repeating itself. Julius Deutschbauer confronts these names with a graphic representation of Mauthausen Concentration Camp.

"I pack the names into Plexiglas, a sort of plastic wrapping of the past and install them as a tripartite work on one side of the Graphic Cabinet. All of the people represented by these names move from the entrance to roll call area, which is represented in a nine-part work in glass (as an inverted C) on the opposite wall. Dozens of visitors take this path when they visit Mauthausen Concentration Camp, which has been reduced to a museum. This path is preserved once more... by the reflection of the names of people on the names of places and visa versa. At the same time, does the reflection of the visitor in the names of people on the one hand and in the place names on the other make him into a perpetrator? A victim? A voyeur? How does it affect him? Whose emotions are involved? Whose genealogical material is it about?" (Julius Deutschbauer)

only in german

Julius Deutschbauer
Deutschbauers Bibelstunde