press release

The exhibition titleOh how time flies is taken from a video work of the same name by Mai Hofstad Gunnes. In the work Cat Power’s music video Cross Bones Style from 1998 is juxtaposed with Madonna’s Lucky Star from 1983. In Cat Power’s video the artist sings and dances against a white background in a way that clearly refers to Madonna in 1983. In Hofstad Gunnes’ linking of the two videos a kind of double portrait of the two female artists and two decades is developed.

The exploration of time, duplications and shifts between temporal and spatial dimensions are some of the thematic strands that run through the works in the exhibition. Paolo Chiasera’s Gravity Painting was created over a period of six months. Without using canvas or any other kind of underlay for the painting, the artist has instead let the pant dry gradually, layer upon layer, such that the painting consists exclusively of the various types of paint used. The painting takes on the character of a sculptural object and can be placed standing along the wall or in a corner. 

The American artist Matthew Antezzo investigates how different types of marginal information and obscure knowledge can be transformed into poetic and decorative narratives. For Oh how time flies Antezzo has produced works that originate in a major public sculpture project in Monterrey, Mexico. 

Ane Mette Hol works with objects that are not what they seem. By using the medium of drawing to create copies of everyday objects she explores issues of the status of the original in art. For the exhibition she is producing a new work in the series Reverse Drawing where rolls of cardboard are recreated in the form of metre-long drawings which are shown rolled up with information about the actual function of the original. 

Eve K. Tremblay’s works are about memory and time. The video In & Out The Memory Palace shows the artist and her cousin in various situations at an old French chateau, in the library, in the garden and so on. The two women read aloud from books, alone and to each other, but at the same time appear to be possible versions of the same person, or, as in the exhibition’s title work by Mai Hofstad Gunnes, they express two different epochs presented simultaneously.

Erlend Hammer lives and works in Berlin. He has been a writer and critic for among other things Kunstkritikk, Billedkunst and Dagbladet. In 2008 Hammer’s Samlede Kunstkritikker (Collected Art Criticism) appeared from Ctrl+Z Publishing. He has curated exhibitions at among other places Hordaland Art Centre, Bergen; Lydgalleriet, Bergen and Lautom, Oslo. He graduated as an art historian from the University of Bergen and did his curatorial training at Bergen National Academy of the Arts.

only in german

Oh how time flies
Kurator: Erlend Hammer

Künstler: Matthew Antezzo, Paolo Chiasera, Mai Hofstad Gunnes, Ane Mette Hol, Eve K. Tremblay