press release

In the spring of 2016, Ri­ta McBri­de, who has wor­ked as a pro­fes­sor of sculp­tu­re at the Kunst­aka­de­mie Düs­sel­dorf sin­ce 2003 and as rec­tor of the aca­de­my sin­ce 2013, will pre­sent an over­view of her work at the Kunst­hal­le Düs­sel­dorf. To McBri­de, born in 1960 in Io­wa, sculp­tu­ral ob­jects are just as si­gni­fi­cant as the pro­ces­ses and si­tua­ti­ons from which they emer­ge or that pro­du­ce them. Her work al­ways be­gins wi­th the ques­ti­on of pu­bli­c­ness, com­mu­ni­ty, or sys­tems in the ur­ban space that or­ga­ni­ze mo­ve­ments and ac­tions bet­ween the in­di­vi­du­al and the collec­tive. Fol­lowing an in­ter­di­sci­pli­na­ry ap­proach, McBri­de com­bi­nes ma­ny of her works wi­th per­for­man­ces. The lar­ge-sca­le work ARE­NA (1997) will ser­ve as a fo­rum for a wi­de-ran­ging pro­gram of events.

The ex­hi­bi­ti­on and ca­ta­log are a joint pro­duc­tion wi­th the kest­ner­ge­sell­schaft in Ha­no­ver.