press release

Ibn Batuta prize: Alexandra Navratil, I’m thinking it’s a Sign, 2005, 3’09” (Spain) This work talks about collective identification. The fact of belonging to a social group with specific characteristics -as it is the case of the sports-, is recognisable through the uniforms, the gestures and the behaviours which work as identity signs. This work is also about the loneliness and the desire to be reflected in the others to recognise oneself. Using a continues shot, the video shows groups of people of different fields of the sport fulfilling movements, positions and glances which are opposed to the image that advertising shows us about sportsmen, revealing them their fragility.

Barcelona prize: Ammar Bourras, “Stridence”, 2004, 3’ (Argelia) The images created here question the conditions perception, the meaning of the image itself and its reception; it is an attitude that goes beyond the criticism of the artist to move on to a very contemporany vision of the image.

Special mention of the jury:

Argelia: Feriel Bounoua, “Oualou / Rien”, 2005, 2’18’’ When nothing goes, we look for an exit, whatever it is, a passion which occupies us and prevents us from sinking; but does one have for yielding as much to our instinct? When this passion itself carries out us to the destruction, can one call this even a passion? Because to want to escape from shouldn't chaos precipitate us towards the "passion" of the destruction?

Germany: Shahram Entekhabi, “I ? / Moi ?”, 2004, 5’ In several episodes, I ? reports a day in the life of the protagonist. His everyday acitivties are situated between private context and public space. Both ennvironements are equally signified by bourgeoise signs of two cultural world: the arabic, as well as the middle-european. The video which refers to Samuel Becketts film « Film » reflects the theme of respresentation, view constructions and (self) perception in relation to a migrants identity.

Spain: Javier Núñez Gasco “Prótesis para una bailarina”, 2004, 6’25” For this work, Javier Núñez Gasco tied with sticky American tape great part of his right leg to the left leg of the French dancer Annabelle Bónnery, requesting to him next that executed - in a study of dance in front of a camera it fixes - unexpected a choreographic sequence with him as taken hold dead weight to its body. The result is an image that opposes the dragged body of the plastic artist - in a position of assumed inertia and stupidity in dance terms - with the body high-tech of the virtuoso and decided dancer. Prótesis for a dancer was conceived and made in the scope of "Colina -Collaboration in Arts", an annual program of artistic residences transdiciplinares in charge of the Portuguese coregraph Rui Horta (O espaço do Tempo, Convento da Saudação, Montemor-o-Novo, Portugal, July 2004.

France: Fanny Adler, “Transumance”, 2005, 2’ Fanny Adler also works out fictions starting from small nothings. It uses music or creates songs which it interprets itself. It causes disorder, install dilution. Some index are enough to cause flights, undulation. Suspended desire, visions on the beach, stretched times, after hours one the dance floor.

Italy: Alice Guareschi, “Sleepwalking (racconto d'inverno # 2)”, 2004, 8’2’’ Between daydream and reality, the description of a climate-landscape of the heart with all its movements: tenderness, sadness, anger, return to a state of calm. A subtle combination of the image and sound which accomodates you, you leads towards a history which perhaps does not exist.

Moroco: Abdelghani Bibt, “Fragments”, 2005, 4’20 Fragments of the everyday life of a small community which undergoes the heaviness of a difficult reality…

Portugal: Maria Mire, “Empty spaces / Espaces vides”, 2005, 4’ The projection of memory. Does the current idea that we always project our own references, whether imaginary or real, into the spaces wich we inhabit imply that we always inhabit an already known space, no matter how « new » to us ?

Tunisia: Collective film carried out by Tekaya Moez, Kammoun Ons, Khammouma Karim, Ouertani Ahmed, Bellagui Ilyes, Zribi Abderraouf, Arafa Ikbel, Ayari Walid, Ben Hmida Khalil (production ESAC), Al Mourid, 2005, 4' A young woman disguised as a boy tries to reach to the brotherhood "Soufi". The way is sinuous and the thorny tests...


only in german

Screening: FIAV05
Exhibition of the 10 winning videos of the festival FIAV.05
Palmares Festival d’Images artistiques vidéo

mit Alexandra Navratil, Ammar Bourras, Feriel Bounoua, Shahram Entekhabi, Javier Nunez Gasco, Fanny Adler, Alice Guareschi, Abdelghani Bibt, Maria Mire, Production ESAC (Tekaya Moez, Kammoun Ons, Khammouma Karim, Ouertani Ahmed, Bellagui Ilyes, Zribi Abderraouf, Arafa Ikbel, Ayari Walid, Ben Hmida Khalil)