press release

How do you manage one crisis after another? Despite the continued financial crisis and its devastating impact on the private sector as well as on government budgets and systems, the globalized financial industry produces uncontrollable amounts of money. Hardly controlled or scrutinzed it creates opaque and risky transactions while not only virtual results cause a decline in values, but the real world.

The exhibition DER GOLDENE KÄFIG / THE GOLDEN CAGE compares positions of art to perspectives of philosophy, the financial world and the cultural and media studies, questioning their reflection on political decisions, social visions and utopias.

The focus is on the many representations of money – desire for power, medium of exchange, virtual money as numbers on the monitor - and the resulting questions about lifestyles and value systems, as well as the role of art and creativity in this context.

only in german

The golden cage
Kuratoren: Nicole Loeser, Ruth Martius, Katharina Buncke

Künstler: Barton Lidice Benes, Joseph Beuys, Bewegung Nurr, Nikolaus Eberstaller,Thomas Eller, Ruth Erdt, Maria Fisahn, Esther Shalev-Gerz, Thorsten Goldberg, Jan Henderikse, Elmar Hess, Bruno Jamaica, Peter Kees, Marcel Mieth, Michael Najjar, PSJM , Philipp Ruch, Tom Schmelzer, Stephanie Senge, Gil Shachar, Justine Smith, Société Réaliste, Daniel Spoerri, Klaus Staeck, Michael Timpson, Timm Ulrichs, Eva Vuillemin, Petrus Wandrey, George O. Dewitte