press release

GRAND OPENING of WAS – Wonderland Art Space

We are proud to announce that we are now officially expanding our Wonderland territory. From now on Wonderland will no longer hide behind printed pages in a magazine, but reveal itself in three dimensions with a new exhibition space, giving us the place to expand our ideas and passion for art.

We would therefore like to invite you to the Grand Opening of our new art space WAS.

The opening exhibition “overkill” at WAS will be a “best of Wonderland” showcasing a diversity of established and emerging artists, all of which have been contributing to the magazine through the past three years.

An exhibition with A Kassen (DK), Alexander Tovborg (DK), Anders Brinch (DK), Anika Lori (DK), Christian Finne (DK), David Dellagi (DK) David Shrigley (UK), Erwin Olaf (NL), Fie Norsker (DK), FOS (DK), Frodo Mikkelsen (DK), Hornsleth (DK), Ingen Frygt (DK), Isabel Berglund (DK) Jonathan Meese (DE), Kristian Devantier (DK)// Kirstine Roepstorff (DK), Maria Torp (DK) Melou Vanggaard (DK), Mie Olise (DK), Nick Mehlsen (DK), Peter Rune Christiansen (DK), Rene Schmidt (DK), Sergei Sviatchenko (DK), Superflex (DK), Tal R (DK), Vår (SE), Vibe Bredahl (DK), ViOnde (DK/DE), Zven Balslev (DK)

only in german

WAS - “overkill”

Künstler: AKassen , Alexander Tovborg, Anders Brinch, Anika Lori, Christian Finne, David Dellagi David Shrigley, Erwin Olaf, Fie Norsker, FOS , Frodo Mikkelsen, Hornsleth, Ingen Frygt, Isabel Berglund, Jonathan Meese, Kristian Devantier, Kirstine Roepstorff, Maria Torp Melou Vanggaard, Mie Olise Kjaergaard, Nick Mehlsen, Peter Rune Christiansen, Rene Schmidt, Sergei Sviatchenko, Superflex , Tal R, Var , Vibe Bredahl, ViOnde , Zven Balslev