press release

Bay&Bay erkunden den Begriff des Realen und Virtuellen mit Installationen, die Aspekte von Performance, Fotografie, Grafik und Video kombinieren.

„Can't fake freedom“, ihre erste Einzelausstellung, zeigt Arbeiten aus dem Projekt Ursprünglich entstanden als Zusammenarbeit des Künstlerduos, verändern die Installationen den öffentlichen Raum mit grafischen Elementen. Dem Zusammenrücken der realen und virtuellen Räume folgend, sind in den letzten fünf Jahren Werke auf allen fünf Kontinenten entstanden.

Die ausgestellten Fotografien und die interaktive Installation auf der Fassade des Museums ermöglichen es dem Besucher, sich frei zwischen diesen Räumen zu bewegen und mit ihnen zu interagieren.

What is windowzoo?

Windowzoo is one of the first community art projects worldwide.

The project turns everyone into an artist and every location into an exhibition space. Having found its origins in streetart, windowzoo has gone further and generated a new, non-destructive kind of urban landscape intervention. The context of an installation is equally important as the installation itself. The work installed might not be from the artist installing it and the photograph that makes it to the website might be from yet another person. The digital platform connects the installations across continents, time and space. Multiple layers of interaction combined with growing global appearance and disappearance.

Who we are: People from the zoo

Windowzoo is many people around the planet: Trips, Amok, Smart, Iron, Spark, Sanakan, El Chriso, Habakuk, the CCC, Schok and Ill in Switzerland, Gat and VLL in Russia, Jonathon in Australia, Discola in Spain, Fetch in the United Kingdom, Luna Park and Goggla in New York City, Idiot The Wise and Poe in Jerusalem, 27 in Liechtenstein, Freakristall in Mainz and many more... and maybe even you soon?

Where are they?

The birds are migrating all over the planet. Here you can see where they are flying...

World map of Windowzoo History of windowzoo?

Windowzoo started as my little streetart project.

I have been active in the graffiti scene for many years. However I never had enough money for cans. Getting better in painting was hard, so instead I kept on sketching in blackbooks - when I finally started earning enough to buy cans, I felt that the traditional bombing and painting had seen its day. Like many others I went into new directions, did lots of computer arts, started experimenting with stencils.

The destructive nature of many streetart disciplines kept bothering me though. Admiring the things people were building - both old and new - I never understood how anyone trying to transport a message could tag stonewalls or plaster the city with ugly or boring stickers. The intrusive nature of streetart might be good to provoke reactions and to trigger thought, but I kept wondering if it were possible to do streetart, that was neither destructive nor obstructive. I started looking for a way to make streetart only visible to few, all the while transporting an idea. In comparison to the stuff that you immediately spot because it sucks, this way the art would remain exhibited longer and thus it would also talk longer.

From these thoughts that the birds slowly emerged. They are fresh. The medium is glass. The shapes allow blending in a normal environment, most people don't even see them and those who do keep having fun searching for them, because they are rarely taken away. If they are - on the other hand, they leave no trace. So the whole approach is more subtle. And of course I love the elfish joy when spotting a bird someone has put up...uhh no - actually the birds are meant to keep living ones from hitting the windows...


only in german Can´t fake freedom
Künstlerprojekt von Bay&Bay  (Barbara Bay & Till Bay)